Developing Final Designs for Siuslaw Estuary Tidal Wetlands Restoration

Recipient: McKenzie River Trust

Grant Amount: $1,012,692 Matching Funds: $430,000

This award will advance final design and permitting to restore the tidal exchange within the currently flow-restricted areas on four properties in the Siuslaw River estuary, increasing the availability and protection of vital rearing and feeding habitat for coho salmon and other native fish species. The project will finalize designs to restore a total of 500 acres over the next four years that will enhance the estuary’s ability to absorb the increased sea level impact of storm swells, king tides, and flooding.

For more information on the grant program funding this project, please visit the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law webpage. For more information on the National Coastal Resilience Fund, visit National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s website.