Designing Innovative Nature-Based Solutions to Improve Habitat and Build Resiliency in Kake, Alaska

Recipient: Organized Village of Kake

Grant Amount: $777,859 Matching Funds: $150,000 Total Project Amount: $927,859

This award will design innovative nature-based solutions such as kelp/seaweed mariculture, shellfish garden creation, and herring and shellfish seeding that will enhance coastal habitats and build resiliency for the local tribal community. Project partners will develop a plan for a 50-acre living shoreline near Kake that will provide jobs, reduce risks from coastal hazards, and make subsistence foods safely accessible year round.

For more information on the grant program funding this project, please visit the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law webpage. For more information on the National Coastal Resilience Fund, visit National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s website.